Friday, September 28, 2012

Ecig Cases to Protect Your Electronic Investment

Carrying around your electronic cigarette in your pockets could scratch, break and otherwise ruin your ecic. Don't keep replacing them. Instead, place your ecigs in a protective case could alleviate your worries about such things.

With a variety of styles and colors to choose from, you could easily accessorize your case to fit your personality. While some of these cases are simply protection from being damaged, many will double as a charging base for your Ecigarette. Not only will they protect your investment, but they can charge it as well.

Leather wrapped Ecig cases are stylish and come in a variety of colors and schemes. As humans, we are very tactile and many of us enjoy the feel of leather. Leather cases for Ecigs not only give a sense of style, but could protect and secure your Ecig and cartridges. Ecig leather, zippered cases also provide a sense of style that many enjoy.

Portable charging containers can resemble traditional cigarette packs while providing more protection than simple paper products. These packs store your Ecig and cartridges in a protective case while giving you the ability to charge the unit. Some of these cases will not only charge one, but will have additional room for a second Ecig to charge while you are using the first.

Many Ecig cases are compatible with other brands of electronic cigarettes. Although this isn't a completely universal fitting, there is a good possibility that a case from one company could fit your Ecig from another. Many brands will share battery types for the Ecig as well. This gives the possibility to use other brands of Ecigs in a differently branded charger.

Regardless of your tastes, there are styles for Ecig cases to fit your needs and likes. It is always better to err on the side of caution and protect your Ecig from possible damage. As an added bonus, it is harder to lose an Ecig in a case than the Ecig itself. 

Bryan is a blogger for

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